Monday 23 September 2024

Cover of High Stakes Wrestling Challenge Bi Sexual Domination Of The Male from battle annals


Extract from a bi sexual wrestling and domination story book High Stakes Wrestling Challenge Bi Sexual Domination Of The Male

 Extract from a bi sexual wrestling and domination story book High Stakes Wrestling Challenge Bi Sexual Domination Of  The Male . Full story available from battle annals.

High Stakes Wrestling Challenge Bi Sexual Domination Of  The Male 

Max was in his fifties five foot ten just over fifteen stone. He was a keen wrestler of men and women. He also like BDSM and as a switch enjoying dominating others and being dominated by others. He was really on the submissive side but would not admit it, enjoying being put in tough painful wrestling holds and made to suffer. That was no doubt what awoke his interest in BDSM and domination and submission play. Max had done more wrestling than domination and submission play. He had been a dominant to two guys and submissive to another guy. He really liked the idea of being submissive to a woman but had never worked up the courage to visit a dominant female. He wasn't sure he ever would take that step of his own accord. But strange things have a way of happening.

Max had been recently chatting online and exchanging emails with a guy called Peter. Peter was also in his fifties six foot tall and eighteen stone plus. They had originally chatted about wrestling then Peter had broached the subject about BDSM and domination and submission play. Peter was pleased when Max told him he liked BDSM play as well as wrestling. Peter told Max he was a dominant and his wife Maurine was a submissive his slave. Peter was intrigued when Max told him he was a switch could be either dominant or submissive. Max suggested he could help Peter dominate his wife. Peter liked that idea saying he always liked to make his wife do new things. Then Peter told him his wife wrestled as well and he liked to make her wrestle against other women and men. They even wrestled other couples the loser being dominated by the winners.

Max got an email from Peter a couple of days after that chat session. Peter told Max he had a suggestion. It was a wrestling challenge, Max would wrestle Peter and Maurine, they would tag take turns against him. If Max won then he could help Peter dominate Maurine. If Max lost then Peter and Maurine would dominate him either way Maurine would learn something new. From her description and photo Maurine looked as heavy as Peter which meant they both out weighed him. Max did not know whether to take the challenge. If he won dominating Maurine would be fun. But if he lost being dominated by Peter and Maurine would not be as much fun. However deep down Max knew he liked the idea. It took Max quite a while to pluck up the courage to accept the challenge. But eventually he replied and accepted Peter's challenge.

When Max met Peter and Maurine they looked even bigger and heavier than he imagined. Peter opened the door to their house wearing a T-shirt and some briefs and woolen ski mask. "Hi Peter I made it", Max said. "No trouble finding us I hope?", Peter replied ushering Max inside. "No not really", Max replied following Peter into his lounge. "Its Max he has turned up", Peter said as he walked into his lounge. "This is Maurine my wife and submissive", Peter said as he stood in the middle of the floor. As Max looked at Peter he saw he was all he claimed and more at six foot and over eighteen stone easily a formidable opponent. Maurine was sitting on a couch dressed in black bra and panties, with black suspenders and sheer black stockings and woolen black sky mask. "Hello glad you could make it", Maurine said. "So am I", Max replied. "I'll make some coffee", Maurine said standing up.

"You looking forward to the wrestling?", Peter asked. "Yes I always enjoy wrestling", Max replied. "I will enjoy helping you dominate Maurine when I win", Max added. "If you win, you mean, I'm a good wrestler", Peter replied. "So am I", Max said. "What about Maurine?", Max asked. "She is OK but not as good as me", Peter replied. "But I think together tagging we will be able to over come you easily enough, we both have the weight advantage", he added. "Yes a couple of stone but I think I can handle it", Max said. "Well if you can't you will be our slave and we will dominate you", Peter replied. "Either way it will be a good night for me", he added. "Yes you can't lose really", Max said. "Yes, but if I'm honest teaching Maurine to dominate you would be the most fun", Peter replied. "You may be a switch but not after we have finished with you", he added.

Maurine came back with three coffees. "I was just telling Max it will be most fun if he lost and we dominated him?", Peter said as they drank their coffee. "I'm sure you'd love learning how to dominate a male slave, try our things out on his body, a change from them being used on your body", Peter added. "Yes it would but he looks just a tough a wrestler as you", Maurine replied. "Yes but between us I'm confident we can beat him, we have the weight advantage", Peter said. "Where will we wrestle?", Max asked. "I have place a couple of mattresses in the spare bedroom", Peter replied. "We are both ready, how do you wrestle?", Peter asked. "Usually in just my briefs", Max replied. "That's fine you can get undressed and leave you clothes here, you won't need them again until you leave whatever happens upstairs", Peter replied. Blushing slightly Max stripped down to his briefs. "Stay on your feet and turn round lets have good look at you?", Peter said. "What do you think?", Peter as asked as Max turned round a couple of times so they could get a better look at his all but naked body. "He still looks a handful?", Maurine said. "Don't worry we will beat him", Peter replied.

Max felt a little self conscious but Maurine was just in her underwear as well. He suspected Peter wore a T-shirt not to hide his bulk, but to set him apart as a dominant. "Lets go, I'm eager to get started?", Peter said standing up. Maurine stood up and Max followed them upstairs to their spare room that had a couple of large mattress on the floor. "Good enough to wrestle on, if not over large, it saves the carpet burns?", Peter said. "Yes it looks fine", Max replied. "OK you and me will start?", Peter said kneeling down at one end of the mattresses. "Maurine and I will tag and swap places", he added. "What rules do you use?", Max asked kneeling at the other end of the mattresses. "No double teaming unless you are already in a pin or hold and we want to tag", Peter replied. "I take it you can tag any time you choose?", Max asked. "Of course", Peter replied.

"Let's start?", Peter said moving into the middle of the mattresses. "OK", Max replied moving onto the mattresses to meet Peter. Maurine knelt at the side by the door to watch and be ready to tag Peter. "Lets see how strong you are, see how long you last?", Peter said opening his arms and grabbing Max's shoulders. "Long enough for me to win I hope", Max replied grabbing Peter's shoulders and starting to grapple. Although Max wasn't small, Peter was bigger and much heavier, Max could make no impression on Peter even though he struggled hard. Max barley moved Peter's shoulders as they grappled, but Peter easily twisted Max's shoulders one way then the other almost taking him down a couple of times. It was like wrestling a grizzly bear and Max realised he was in trouble.

"I don't think you are going to last very long like this?", Peter said as he twisted Max's upper body one way then the other, despite Max's desperate attempts to stop him. "I'm not beaten yet", Max panted wearily sweat beading on his body. "Are you not?", Max sneered twisting Max's shoulders right round and forcing him down to the mattress. "Shit", Max moaned as he was twisted and dragged down to the mattress. Max was on his side and Peter still had hold of his shoulders. Max tried to wriggle free but most of Peter's weight was on him and his arms and shoulders were weakened from grappling with Peter. Although Max pushed and wriggled hard he couldn't escape. Peter let go of Max's shoulders and trapped him in a head lock. Max gasped as his head was squeezed between Peter's large powerful arms making it hard to breathe.

Max was already short of breath from the hard grappling, now Peter was crushing his head with his arms making it hard to breathe. Peter flexed his arms muscles squeezing tighter and pressed down hard squashing Max's body into the mattress beneath his own. Max was now trapped and barely able to breath and his body was being pressed hard into the mattress, he felt himself growing weaker as the air in his lungs slowly ran out. "Got you I think, Max you're fucked", Peter said as Max's struggles lessened as he grew weaker. Max knew it as well he couldn't get out of the hold he was sure Peter would keep him in it until he passed out. "But lets not be hasty, I want Maurine to have a go at you as well", he added as he felt Max's body start relax. Max weak and exhausted felt him self start slip away and thought it was the end.

But Peter had other ideas. Peter released Max's head and rolled his limp body onto his back. Max moaned his eyes glassy as Peter rolled him onto his back. Max was too exhausted to do anything and just lay their while Peter climbed astride his chest. Released from the head lock Max had been able to breathe freely again for the few seconds he was rolled onto his back. But when Peter's bulk settled on his chest he found breathing hard again. Peter grabbed Max's arms and easily pinned them to the mattress above his head, Max was too weak and short of breath to resist. "Well you were quickly and easily defeated Max you must really wish to my submissive, and Maurine's as well?", Peter said staring down into Max's face. "I haven't submitted yet", Max panted defiantly, although he felt anything but defiant.

"Still got some fight in you?", Peter said. "I will let Maurine take that away from you, that will be even more demeaning for you", he added. Max started to struggle, but being weak and short of breath he couldn't do much. "Tag time?", Peter said holding out his hand. Maurine moved from the edge of the mattress and tagged Peter. "He is all yours, make him submit", Peter said. "Make him our slave", he added as he slid off Max's chest. Max felt some relief when Max got off his chest and he could breathe easier again. I would have been a good time to move, but Max was too weak and breathless to do more than just lay there panting. He watched Maurine slip astride his chest knowing he should be doing something to stop but unable to do anything. When Maurine's weight settled on his chest Max found it hard the breath again.

"OK pin his arms to the floor show him who is in command?", Peter said. "It will be your first step in dominating a man", he added. Max lifted his arms up determined not to make it easy or give up completely. Maurine hesitantly grabbed Max's wrists and pressed down. Max resisted keeping his arms off the mattress although they shook. "Press harder, he is weak now, you can do it?", Peter said. Maurine growing in confidence started to press harder, but Max still somehow managed to resist. Maurine frowned frustrated at not being able to pin Max's arms down. "Don't worry its your first try your doing well, he's weakening all the time", Peter said. It was true Max's arms were trembling more and more under the strain. "Lean forward use your body weight against his arms", Peter suggested. Maurine leaned forwards a little bringing her upper body weight to bear on Max's arms.

Maurine smiled as she slowly forced Max's arms to the mattress. Max felt his cock stiffen with a mixture of fear and excitement as Maurine forced his arms down to the mattress. "Well done you did it, I bet it feels good to dominate a man?", Peter. "Yes it does", Maurine replied her face slightly flushed. "OK now inch up higher until his head is tight between you legs, like you have seen me do to other men", Peter said. Max wriggled trying to move as Maurine inched higher up his chest, but he couldn't. Maurine inched up Max's chest until his head was deep between her thighs, his nose and mouth brushing against her black panties. "Well done I bet that felt good?", Peter said. "Yes very good", Maurine replied. "OK its going to get better?", Peter said. "Smother him, press you crotch tight into his face, like you have seen me do", he added. Maurine pressed the crotch of her black panties tight into Max's face, making it virtually impossible for him to breath.

Max squirmed helplessly under Maurine scarcely able to breath his cock stiffening rapidly in his briefs. "Good, keep him like that till I tell you when to stop?", Peter said. Max was trapped tightly pinned and smothered under Maurine, and could hardly breathe. Max felt himself getting weaker and weaker as the oxygen in his body ran out. He felt himself start to slip away his cock now visibly hard in his briefs. "OK ease back, just a little and ask him if he wants to submit?", Peter said. "Want to submit?", Maurine asked excitedly as she eased her crotch away slightly allowing Max to breathe a little and move his head. Max shook his head, he knew submitting was also submitting to be their slave, her slave, the male slave of a female slave, as Peter had put it. Maurine looked disappointed. "Don't worry just give him some more", Peter said. With a smile Maurine pressed her crotch back into Max's face.

Max had only managed a few short breaths and was so gasping for air again his lungs burning his head spinning. Max knew what was happening to him but he also felt slightly detached as if he was only dreaming about it. The dream seemed to take over from reality as he got weaker and weaker and closer to unconsciousness. "Want to submit now?", Maurine asked smiling down into Max's ashen face. Max confused gave Maurine a vacant glassy eyed stair. "Want to submit to me?", Maurine asked again. After a short hesitation Max shook his head. "Tag me". Peter said. Maurine tagged Peter and they exchanged places. "Don't worry you did well", Peter said as he positioned himself on Max's chest so Max's head was deep between his thighs. "You can help me double team him and make him submit", Peter added. "Yes that would be good I would enjoy that", Maurine replied excitedly.

"Get his pants off then sit on his thighs?", Peter said. "Then you can work freely on his cock and balls till you make him submit", Peter added. "OK, that really sounds like fun", Maurine replied. Max started to struggle embarrassed as his cock was now very hard in his briefs. However Peter was too heavy and he was too weak to prevent Maurine removing his briefs and exposing his hard excited cock. "He has a nice sized cock?", Maurine said as she dropped Max's underpants on the mattress and climbed astride his thighs. "Well don't just admire it, do something to it and his balls to make him submit", Peter replied. "Make him submit and make him your slave and I will show you many interesting and painful things to do to a male slaves body", Peter added. "OK I will start with his cock", Maurine replied clasping Max's hard cock that was half raised up from his groin.

Max tensed as he felt Maurine grasp his hard cock. Maurine squeezed Max's cock hard in the palm of her hand and watched his foreskin slowly peel right back. Maurine stared as Max's shiny red cock head the ran her finger nail over the top of it. It twitched and stiffened in response lifting a little higher. Max winced and flinched under Peter as Maurine ran her finger nail over the top of his highly sensitive cock head. Maurine continued to tease Max's cock head with her finger nail making it harder and rise up until it was standing to attention. Max was wincing and panting when Maurine removed her finger from his cock head. She could now see the under side of Max's cock head and the arrow head. Thinking that looked even more sensitive she ran her finger nail all over it, enjoying Max's helpless convulsions underneath her. Warming to her task Maurine used another finger to tease the top of Max's cock head while continuing to work on his arrow head. Max squirmed helplessly, pre-cum fluid dribbled from Max's cock head and ran down its length as his cock twitched excitedly.

"You will make him cum like this, you need to make him submit?", Peter said. "More pain is needed", Peter added. "It was true pre-cum was pouring out of Max's wildly throbbing cock, he was moaning and breathing hard. A little reluctantly Maurine stopped teasing Max's cock head. Maurine paused for a few seconds staring at Max's hard throbbing cock and sagging scrotum. Then she grasped Max's scrotum with her right hand and squeezed it lightly. Max's body tensed and he moaned in pain as Maurine squeezed his balls. "Now you know where he and all men are most vulnerable to pain?", Peter said as Maurine continued to lightly squeeze Max's balls. Max winced moaning in pain as Maurine continued to work on his balls. "Not bad to start but you need to squeeze harder, cause more pain", Peter said.

Taking the hint, Maurine started to squeeze harder, turning Max's moans to groans of pain as she squeezed harder. "That's better I'm sure he won't last long under that pressure", Peter said. "But you can make sure by giving his balls a couple of punches", he added. Maurine let go of Max's balls and punched them hard. Max grunted deeply and his body convulsed as his balls were filled with intense pain. Maurine started to squeeze Max's balls again enjoying the way she made his body flinch and twist helplessly. "You ready to submit to us yet?", Peter asked Max. After a short pause Max shook his head. "Better do it again, he is still resisting?", Peter said. "Is he now", Maurine said slightly vexed. Maurine gave Max's balls a second hard punch and started to squeeze them again.

Max tried to resist knowing that submission would mean submitting as their slave, but the ball pain was hard to endure. The hard ball punches were the last straw and smashed through Max's last resistance. Max had refused to submit twice but the pain in his balls was now intense as Maurine continued to squeeze his balls. Max knew he would not be able to refuse next time he was asked to submit. "If he does not submit this time, bend his cock in half the wrong way?", Peter told Maurine. "OK", Maurine replied grabbing Max's hard cock in readiness. "You ready to submit now?", Peter asked. Max waited a few seconds then nodded his head. "Well done you made him submit", Peter said congratulating Maurine. "Yes I did, didn't I?", Maurine replied excitedly. "You agree to be my slave, Maurine's slave?", Peter asked. "Yes", Max replied quietly a ripple of fear running down his spine. Max heard a soft gasp of excitement from Maurine.

"You agree to be Maurine's slave, a slave of a female slave?", Peter asked. "Yes", Max replied after a slight pause his cock twitching with excitement, that was still clasped in Maurine's hands. "Wow he's my slave now?", Maurine said excitedly squeezing Max's cock hard. "Yes he is", Peter replied. "So I can do what I like to him?", Maurine asked. "Yes, like I do to you as my slave", Peter replied. "I thought so?", Maurine said punching Max in the balls again. "Nice touch", Peter said glancing back as Maurine punched Max in the balls. "But I'm sure you would like some suggestions and tips from me to help you dominate him completely?", Peter added. "Yes that would be great I believe I have a lot to learn", Maurine replied. "Indeed you have but lets get started", Peter replied. "Help me secure him spread eagle like I do you", he added.

By Friar FFF Cyprus Copyright 2014

Saturday 17 April 2021

Cover of forced bisexual adventures part 2 Gran Canarian sexual adventures


extract from the bisexual storybook forced bisexual adventure part 2 Gran Canarian sexual adventures



My ordeal at the hands of Anne and James had changed me forever. I was no longer the red bloodied heterosexual male I was. I was now fully bisexual with a hot craving for cock both orally and anally. It had to be with a female present husband or boyfriend, and preferably with the female forcing me to service the male’s cock. I was so affected by my ordeal with Anne and James being literally raped by both after losing to James in a high stakes wrestling match and crave more of the same. I couldn’t find any so in desperation I booked a holiday to Gran Canaria Playa De Inglis. I had been a few times before and had scored well with women on the cruising area of the dunes. Playa De Inglis is well known gay holiday destination and there were more gay men cruising the dunes than heterosexual couples. The last time I was there I had witnessed several bi sexual orgies in the dunes that being my hope relieve my craving. Also I knew if all else failed I could always suck another man off in the gay bar dark rooms and let one fuck me but it would be the same not what I was after.

I had been there three days the weather was wonderful there was plenty of action in the dunes but alas it was all heterosexual or gay. I was beginning to resign myself to visiting the gay bars that night. However as I was cruising the dunes I noticed an older German couple in a large hollow between three large dunes a notorious place for sex. They were on their own and naked, unlike the British the Germans and other Europeans don’t have the same fixation about nudity. I smiled at them both in turn, they both smiled back. The man was large a little overweight with a huge at cock kept erect by a large thick steel cock ring. The woman though old still a good figure with nice breasts her body like the man’s was hairless shaved. I decided to lay the other side of the hollow opposite them and see what happened.

I unrolled my beach mat I was only wearing sandals and brief tight fitting red speedos. I had a small bag with me containing a towel and a bottle of water. I kicked off my sandals and lay down conscious of the Germans eyes on me. I lay there for a few minutes eyes closed soaking in the hot sun then sat up. The German couple were watching me, they both smiled again, and I smiled back. It was a good sign, so I slipped my speedos off with their eyes watching my every move. I liked sun bathing nude so I always removed my speedos when on the beach or in the dunes. It was also a test to see if they were looking for fun and sex. Their eyes were fixed on cock and balls shaved clean like my upper body.

The man said something to me in German. When I didn’t answer the women said something to me in another language that sounded like Dutch. “Sorry I only speak English”, I replied. “Oh you are English”, the woman said. “We thought you were either German on Dutch, not many English men go nude and shave their bodies and genitals”, she added. “No I’m English shave my cock and balls and torso as its better for an all over tan”, I replied. “My name is Alan by the way”, I added. “Please to meet you Alan, I and Madelena”, Madelena stated. “This is Sigmund pointing to her husband. “Hi Sigmund”, I said. “Hi Alan”, Sigmund replied. “We like your young sexy body and cock Alan”, Madelena said. “Want to join us”, she added patting the sand between them. “Yes Madelena that would be a pleasure. I got up and picked up my things and carried them over. Madelena moved to make room for me between them.

I now lay between them they were both sat up either side of me, Madelena to my left, Sigmund to my right. “Mmmm I like your young sexy body Alan”, Madelena said running her hand over my chest, rubbing my left nipple with her fingernail. “Thanks you look good yourself, .nice tits”, I replied with a sigh, Madelena’s finger on my nipple was exciting me. “Yes Alan you have a good body”, Sigmund said running his had over my belly poking his finger in my navel. “Thanks Sigmund that’s some cock you have there”, I replied staring at his large thick cock unmistakeably erect, kept so by his large steel cock ring. My own cock started to stiffen as I looked at it. I kept glancing between Madelena’s breasts and Sigmund’s cock as we chatted my cock slowly stiffening. “You like men and women?”, Madelena asked. I nodded. “You are bisexual?”, she asked I nodded again. “You like sex with older people?”, Madelena asked. “I nodded and smiled. They both smiled broadly. “I have only had one bisexual adventure so far though”, I told them. “What was that Alan?”, Sigmund asked. I told them about my high stakes match with James and Anne and what happened. “Sounds like good fun to me”, Sigmund said. “Yes and you don’t mind losing it seems Alan?”, Madelena said. “Also if I’m right you like the female to control things make you submissive to her and the male?”, Madelena asked. “Yes you are right on all count Madelena”, I replied my cock twitching at the exciting implications of my confession.

May I Alan?”, Madelena asked reaching for my stiffening cock. “Please do”, I replied. “You know Alan you’re not like most English men, you like sex with men and women, not to mention older people”, Sigmund said as he tweaked my right nipple. “I suppose I am”, I replied with a deep sigh as Madelena clasped and squeezed my stiffening cock. “You like cock’s Alan?”, Sigmund asked. I nodded wincing as Madelena expertly peeled back my foreskin exposing my slick hard cock head. “Suck and taking?”, Sigmund asked still working on my right nipple. “Yes”, I gasped nodding as Madelena used her fingernail to tease the underside of my bared cock head making me instantly erect. “Good I’m sure we are going to have some fun with you now Alan”, Sigmund said letting go of my hard right nipple and sliding his hand down my chest towards my groin.

I leaned towards Madelena who was still wickedly teasing my cock head with her fingernail making my hard cock twitch with excitement and took her right nipple in my mouth. I sucked Madelena’s right nipple hard making her moan in pleasure. “Ya that is good Alan, .. very good”, Madelena moaned as I continued to suck her right nipple and knead her right tit with my hands. She stopped teasing my cock head with her fingernail and started to tease the highly sensitive spot between my arse and balls. Sigmund grasped my hard throbbing cock and started to pump it slowly. I moaned softly still sucking Madelena’s right nipple as Sigmund wanked my cock making me more and more excited. I shuddered in excitement as Madelena started to tickle my balls.

Sigmund’s slow deliberate wanks were making me shiver with excitement and rapidly pushing me to closer to ejaculation. When Madelena started to tickle my balls it pushed me even faster towards what would be a long and hard ejaculation. Madelena started to squeeze my balls softly and tentatively checking to see if I liked that or not. Encouraged by my gasps of excitement and my cock spasming fiercely in Sigmund’s grip, Madelena started to squeeze harder. It was ecstasy and I lapped it up gorging on Madelena’s right nipple as she worked on my balls and Sigmund continued his fiendishly slow but effective wanking of my cock. Madelena slipped her left hand between my legs and used her finger to probe my anus. My god they had me I was theirs and they knew it and they were going to make me cum hard and long as hard as long as they could.

Just when I was close to ejaculation and thought things couldn’t get anymore exciting Sigmund started to tease the same highly sensitive spot between my arse and balls Madelena had been working on. “Good you’ve fucking got me”, I gasped excitedly. “Yes Alan we know but work on both my tits make me cum as well”, Madelena replied. So I started to suck Madelena’s left nipple while still teasing her right nipple with my fingers. “Oh that’s so good Alan more, more”, Madelena gasped breathlessly. I sucked and tweaked hard making Madelena moan with pleasure. All the time Madelena was squeezing my balls, when she forced her finger up my bum I almost shot my load there and then not that it was very far away. Sigmund’s fiendish wanking and fingering was relentless and I knew I couldn’t last much longer.

Suddenly Madelena gasped and her body stiffened as her cunt exploded pouring her hot juices out onto the towel she was lying on. She instinctively twisted the finger she had up my arse round several times and that was the end for me. I grunted as my cock exploded shooting spunk into the air. Sigmund and Madelena continued to tease my cock balls and arse making sure my ejaculation was long and draining. “We like to make men cum long and hard”, Madelena said breathlessly still trying to recover from her orgasm. “Ya drain them dry”, Sigmund said. I could believe it that had been one very heavy spunk sapping ejaculation. “That was a nice ejaculation Alan”, Madelena said lying back with a sigh. “Yes I gasped slumping weakly on my mat my body felt drained and exhausted. “You need to do something for Sigmund now”, Madelena said staring at his large and now highly aroused cock. “I will It will be a pleasure”, I replied. Yes but when you have your breath back”, Madelena said.

Nien I’m to hot to wait”, Sigmund said rolling me over and opening my legs wide. He produced a condom from his beach bag and slipped it on and then liberally coated it with lubrication also produced from his beach bag. “I hope you like being fucked by other men”, Sigmund said pressing the head of his cock against opening of my arse. “Yes I do”, I replied. “But I’ve never been fucked by a cock so big before”, I added hesitantly staring at his huge hard cock. “It doesn’t matter just fuck him for me darling”, Madelena said. “Give him a taste of you big German cock, stretch his tight English arse wide”, she added. “Oh my god”, I moaned my excitement increasing at Madelena’s words. My greatest fantasy was being forced to service another male either anally or orally hopefully both on the insistence of their female partner. Madelena was now insisting that Sigmund fuck me whether I wanted him to or not. That really turned me on and Madelena and Sigmund as well it seemed.

I groaned catching my breath as Sigmund started to force the head of his large hard cock into my arse. I winced as Sigmund’s cock stretched me wide wider than I had been stretched before. “Yes darling that’s it shove it in spread his English arse wide impale him on your big German cock”, Madelena shouted encouraging her husband. Sigmund kept forcing his cock in deeper making my anal muscles burn as they were spread wide. I whimpered weakly shuddering in pain and excitement as Sigmund’s big cock stretched my sphincter wide. Sigmund forced his cock all the way home then slowly drew it all the way out before forcing it back in again.

I was groaning and moaning my anal muscles complaining bitterly about being stretched and strained so much. “That’s it Sigmund fuck him fuck him hard with your big German cock”, Madelena shouted excitedly as Sigmund forced his large cock in and out of my arse. I had never felt so filled or stretched the initial pain made my eyes water. But slowly the pain gave way to pleasure and I was soon panting in excitement. “That’s it Sigmund fuck him hard and deep”, Madelena shouted as I gasped helplessly in excitement. “Faster, harder darling”, she added. Sigmund started to thrust harder and faster with his hard cock and quickly had me writhing helplessly in excitement. “That’s it you’ve got him Sigmund fuck him, fuck him and cum up is arse”, Madelena shouted. Sigmund continued to increase speed until he was ramming his large cock rapidly in and out of my arse taking total control of my highly aroused body. I had to take five more minutes of Sigmund’s rapid hard fucking before he grunted and his cock exploded up my arse. I shivered in excitement as I felt Sigmund’s hot spunk spurting into my arse and filling it.

Sigmund gasped and eased his softening cock out of my arse. “Well done darling I loved seeing you fill his English arse with German spunk for me”, Madelena said. “Did you enjoy that Alan?”, Madelena asked me. “Yes it was wonderful”, I croaked breathlessly as I lay the weak and even more exhausted. “Yes I could see that you really enjoyed taking Sigmund’s big hard cock”, Madelena said. “I can see it filled you very full as well”, Madelena added prying the cheeks of my arse open and watching the spunk ooze out of my arse. “I’ve never been fuck by such a big cock before”, I sighed weakly. “Well start sucking Sigmund’s cock to get it hard enough for him to fuck you again”, Madelena told me. “While I work on your cock to get it nice and hard to fuck me with”, she added. I rolled over with a sigh and let Sigmund press his semi-limp cock towards my mouth.

My cock went limp after Madelena and Sigmund made me cum and it only stiffened slightly as Sigmund fucked me till he cum in my arse. As maddeningly exciting as being fucked up the arse by another man’s cock or a dildo the strange thing is that it does not always make you hard particularly if you are not hard before it started. Madelena produced a steel cock ring from her beach bag and slipped it over my cock sliding it down to the root. She then took my cock in her mouth and started to suck it. Sigmund watched us as he pulled off the used condom and threw it aside. I opened my mouth to sigh as Madelena started to suck my cock but Sigmund thrust his semi-hard cock into my mouth and I had to suck it. I sucked greedily on Sigmund’s cock making it stiffen rapidly and he moaned in satisfaction. “Oh ya, ya that is good”, Sigmund moaned. I was squirming with excitement from Madelena’s excited sucking of my cock that was stiffening just as rapidly as Sigmund’s.

That’s it Alan, get Sigmund’s cock nice and hard, hard enough to fuck you again”, Madelena said between hard sucks on my now hard throbbing cock. “Just like I’m doing to yours and the cock ring should keep you hard long enough to satisfy me”, she added. It was true my cock was now hard really hard kept so by the steel cock ring. “Hard enough yet darling?”, Madelena asked her husband. “Yes darling”, Sigmund replied with an excited sigh. “Good Alan is too”, Madelena said releasing my cock. “Come on Alan you can fuck me now”, Madelena said searching in her bag for a condom. I stopped sucking Sigmund’s cock and sat up and let Madelena slip a condom on my cock. My cock was now very hard a deep shiny red colour bloated with excited blood it twitched excitedly as Madelena rolled the condom over it. I waited while Madelena lubricated it with some of Sigmund’s lubricant. I waited while Madelena lay on her back then climbed on top of her and slipped my hard cock into Madelena’s cunt.

Madelena sighed as I slipped my hard cock into her cunt. “Oh yes that is good”, she sighed. “Fuck me with it, fuck me hard”, she added. I started to force my cock in and out of Madelena’s cunt making her moan with pleasure. “Faster Alan harder”, Madelena ordered. I increased my speed thrusting my cock as hard as I could into Madelena’s cunt. Sigmund watched as he slipped another condom onto his large erect cock and lubricated it ready to fuck me again. I was making Madelena moan and gasp in excitement as I fucked her hard and fast. She let out a squeal of delight as she had an orgasm she immediately clamped her cunt muscles tightly around my thrusting cock making me gasp in excitement. I then gasped even louder as I felt Sigmund’s cock slip into my arse. Sigmund pressed his large hard cock all the way into my arse loving the way if made me cringe with excitement.

You like it Alan my big German cock up your arse?”, Sigmund asked. “Yes”, I gasped breathlessly as kept his large hard cock thrust deep into my arse. “Don’t stop Alan, fuck me harder, fuck me harder”, Madelena shouted in frustration. The excitement of having Sigmund large hard cock up my arse made me stop fucking Madelena. My cock like Sigmund’s was thrust deep into Madelena’ cunt and her cunt muscles were squeezing it hard. I slid my cock slowly out of Madelena’s cunt before driving it back in. “Oh yes Alan so good, but faster, harder”, Madelena moaned.

I increased speed and shivered helplessly as Sigmund started to fuck me up the arse. I was soon pounding my cock in and out of Madelena’s cunt as hard and as fast as I could making her gasp and moan in excitement. All the time Sigmund’s cock was hammering in and out of my arse. “Eeeeeaaah”, Madelena screamed as she had another shattering orgasm. Instantly her cunt muscles clamped my cock in a vice like grip. I let out a helpless gasp of excitement nearly shooting everything into Madelena’s cunt.

I’ve got your cock now haven’t I Alan?”, Madelena asked smiling wickedly as I squirmed helplessly. “Yes, oh fuck you have”, I croaked weakly. My thrusts into Madelena’s cunt slowed and in frustration she started to move her cunt against my cock, fucking me as much as I was fucking her. Sigmund’s large hard cock was still hammering in and out of my arse. I was sandwiched between them being fucked by both of them. Madelena’s cunt was now riding my cock hard squeezing so hard I was wincing, all the time Sigmund’s cock was ramming me up the arse getting me more and more excited. “Oh Alan this is so good we have both got you helpless now”, Madelena said pressing lips to mine and kissing me hard. Her tongue entered my mouth and trapped mine beneath it and she started to tongue fuck me a well. It was just too much for me Madelena’s crushing and riding of my cock, her probing tongue and Sigmund’s hard relentlessly ramming cock.

I let out a muffled screamed as my cock exploded in Madelena’s cunt. She screamed as my hot spunk pumped into her cunt as she had her third shattering orgasm. Her strong cunt muscles clamped even tighter on my cock making sure she drained me dry. I came so long and hard I thought I was going to pass out from the exhaustion. But to my horror Madelena and Sigmund didn’t stop fucking me as I was now sandwiched unmoving between them too weak to do anything. Madelena continued to ride my cock that stayed rock hard due to the steel cock ring while Sigmund continued to ram his cock in and out of my arse driving me wild with excitement. “Oh Ya, ..ya, yaaaaaaaaaa”, Sigmund grunted as his cock shot a long heavy load of spunk into my arse. I gasped excitedly as I felt Sigmund’s hot sunk filling my arse and my own cock responded firing another load into Madelena’s cunt.

Madelena squealed in delight as she had her forth orgasm. It was the end for me and I passed out slipping into a black pit of total weariness. I came around a few minutes later and saw Madelena and Sigmund kneeling either side of me their red flushed faces smiling down into mine. “That was good you are good little English fuck puppy Alan”, Madelena said smiling mischievously. “Here you better drink some of this you need it”, Madelena said holding a bottle of water to my parched lips. I swallowed several long gulps and felt life start to seep back into my weary limbs. I looked around when I felt a little better and realised a small crowd had gathered to watch me being fucked unconscious between Sigmund and Madelena. There were two naked men naked and sporting large erections more than likely gay. Two elderly naked German couples and younger couple English by their appearance of their dress the man in a vest and swim shorts and the woman in a dark blue bikini.

By friar Copyright 2009

Extract from a longer story

Wednesday 24 February 2021

cover of forced bisexual adventures part 1 high stakes challenge available from battle annals


extract from of forced bisexual adventures part 1 high stakes challenge available from battle annals


Hi stakes wrestling

Anne stood up and smiled at her husband. “Its cock sucking time now James”, Anne said looking contemptuously down at me still groaning from the gut and ball punishment. “That’s true Darling”, James replied. “Come lose time to suck my cock”, James said releasing me from the camel clutch and letting me drop to the mats. I flopped to the mats my cupping my aching balls and lay there moaning softly. “Come on get up on your knees cock sucker”, Anne ordered. “Time to suck the winner’s cock loser”, she added. I groaned deeply but struggled to my knees and turned round to face James. I knelt in front of James may face level with the large bugle in his black briefs. I nodded. “Every sucked another man’s cock before?”, Anne asked me. “No”, I replied. “Ever wanted to?”, she asked. “No”, I replied. “But you are going to suck James’s cock?”, Anne asked. “Yes”, I replied after a short delay. “Good, this is going to be even better than I thought”, Anne said smiling wickedly. “OK cock sucker, take his briefs off and look at the winners cock you’re going to suck”, Anne ordered. I stared at Anne then James their faces were filled with eager anticipation and with trembling fingers I clasped the sides of James’s black briefs and pulled them down to his knees.

James’s semi-stiff cock flopped free of his briefs and hung just an inch or two from my face, it was surrounded by a dark thatch of black pubic hair, and two large heavy balls hanging in his scrotum. “I really think he’s going to do it Darling”, Anne said the excitement clear in her voice. “Yes Darling I do believe you are right”, James replied. “Well are you going to suck it loser?”, Anne asked as I stared at James cock and balls wondering if I could make myself suck another man’s cock. When I agreed to the match it was in the belief that I would win and James would be sucking my cock after seeing me fuck Anne, now it was me who was facing the prospect of sucking another man’s cock. My tongue was dry in my mouth and I felt lethargic, unable or unwilling to move. “Come cock sucker, …suck it”, Anne snapped. Could I cross that barrier, suck another man’s cock, do I want to, will I, these thoughts ran round and round in my head as I stared at James ‘s cock. The answer to all three questions was no I kept telling myself, yet deep down I wasn’t so sure, deep down I think I really wanted to do it. But not willingly, be compelled to do it, gave me some comfort but I think in reality it only made it more exciting for me. I don’t think it was the real driver, deep down I think I really wanted to do it.

My cock had softened while I lay cupping my balls and it now stiffened as I contemplated sucking James’s cock. That was the most scary but exciting part of it all. “Come on you agreed to if you lost now suck his cock”, Anne said doubt starting to creep into her voice as I seemed increasingly reluctant to suck James’s cock in her eyes at least. “Yes come on cock sucker suck my cock, or do I have to put you in more holds until you do”, James said sternly. I watched in fascination as his cock started to stiffen in front of my eyes until it was sticking out from his groin.

It continued to stiffen and lengthen the head peeling slowly back to reveal a slick large bulbous cock head. There were beads of precum oozing out of his urethra. Could I actually suck it, I wondered again staring at the flaring slick cock head. “Come on suck it, ..suck it for me Alan”, Anne said excitedly. I watched enthralled my heart thumping and the blood pounding in my ears as James eased his cock forward brushing it against my chin. He rubbed it along my lips coating them with his precum. James pressed his cock head harder against them and to my surprise I opened my mouth and I let him push his cock into it. “Good he’s going to do it Darling”, I heard Anne gasp in shock. “Yes of course the cock sucker is Darling”, James replied sliding his cock head inside my mouth. I couldn’t believe how aroused and excited I was my cock was now very hard, almost painfully hard, jutting out from my groin, all because I had another man’s cock in my mouth. I felt some of James’s precum trickle onto my tongue and then either through instinct or desire my tongue started to probe the underside of James’s hard, excited cock head. “Oh fuck, …. oh shit, …that’s so fucking good”, James moaned as my tongue teased his excited cock head. James pushed his cock in deeper making me gag then pulled it back so only his cock head was inside my mouth. I responded by starting to suck his cock head, using long slow hard sucks making him moan and shudder with excitement. My head span in a heady mixture of confusion and excitement as I tried to come to terms with the realisation that I was sucking another man’s cock. “God, he’s doing really doing it Darling”, Anne gasped breathlessly. Its so fucking horny seeing a man do that you to you, a man made to do that to you Darling”, Anne added with a deep satisfied sigh.

I went to work on James’s cock in earnest with my tongue, making him gasp and moan in excitement. “Oh god, ….oh shit, that’s so fucking good”, James gasped shivering with excitement. “My god Darling, he is really doing it”, Anne said in shocked delight. “It’s the first time I’ve seen another man suck your cock Darling and its s fucking horny”, Anne added. I stopped sucking James’s cock and stared in shock at Anne. They had both said or implied at least that James had wrestled other guys and beaten them and made them suck his cock, now it seemed that I was the first one to agree to this forfeit or at least carry it out. “Yes Alan, you’re the first of the six guys James has beaten, who has actually gone through with the forfeit and sucked his cock. “Its so horny, I’ve been waiting ages to see this, so don’t stop, its pointless now”, she added. “Yeah come on Alan suck my cock again”, James said pressing his throbbing cock head against my lips. “You may never have sucked another man’s cock before, but you are dam good at it Alan”, James added.

I stared first at James, then at Anne. This would have been a good time to back out and leave with my dignity just about in tact. However to my surprise and their delight I opened my mouth and let James push his cock head back in it. “Oh god yes this is so fucking awesome”, Anne said kneeling right next to us, her face very close to where I was sucking her husband’s cock, not wanting to miss anything. I started on James’s cock and again and soon had him gasping and moaning with delight. “Oh god this is fucking great”, James moaned in delight as I continued to suck his cock making him more and more excited. “Alan suck him hard, ..faster”, Anne said clasping my head and forcing it onto her husband’s hard, throbbing cock. “Oh fuck this is too much I don’t know how much longer I can last”, James moaned breathlessly his hips gyrating rapidly, as I sucked his cock hard. “Oh yes Alan make him cum, ..make him cum”, Anne shouted in excitement. “Don’t worry I think he’s about to”, I replied slipping my mouth off James’s all but exploding cock.

No don’t stop, …. keep going, ..keep going”, Anne said pushing my face back towards her husband’s wildly throbbing cock. I opened my mouth to protest and as I did, spunk shot out of the end of James’s cock splattering over my face between my upper lip and below my nose, it ran down my chin and onto my chest a little ending up in my mouth. Anne held my head in place with both hands while several more jets of spunk were pumped out of her husband’s cock onto my face. She stared up in awe at her husband as he ejaculated over my face. “Oh god Darling, you did it, …. he did it, he made you cum, … and let you cum on his face”, Anne said in confused excitement. “Yes Darling, now he’s a real cock sucking loser”, James replied panting heavily from the exertion of his forced ejaculation. I was just as shocked and excited as James and Anne. My first time sucking another man’s cock, my first time making him cum and letting him cum on my face. As exciting and shocking as this was for me, James and particularly Anne, had a lot more install for me yet as it turned out.

Sit down Darling and rest”, Anne said pushing her husband toward the settee. “When you have rested I want you to fuck him”, she added. “What?”, James asked in shock. “Well he’s sucked cock, now I want to see him take a cock up his arse”, Anne replied. “Hey come on wait a minute”, I said not liking the idea at all. “You shut up loser, cock sucker”, Anne replied grappling me to the ground. She climbed astride my chest and pinned my arms to the mats above me head. “I’m going to have some fun with you Alan while James recovers enough to fuck you”, Ann said and she inched up my chest pinning my shoulders under her knees. “Hey I’m not going to be fucked”, I protested struggling to unseat Anne.

No cock sucker?, ….. we shall see?”, Anne replied easily riding out my weak attempts to get her off my shoulders. “You’re too weak to do anything about it Alan and in no position to stop us”, Anne said as I continued to struggle still failing to get her off. Anne inched up a little more until my head was deep between her thighs with my face almost touching her naked hairy cunt.

I’m going to get you off”, I said struggling harder. “No you won’t cock sucker”, Anne replied still keeping me down despite my hard struggles to free myself. “I’ll make you an offer Alan if you can get me off before James has recovered I’ll let you go”, Anne said. “If you don’t then you will let James fuck you”, she added. “That’s not much of an offer”, I replied. “It’s the best you’ll get loser”, Anne said. “You’re only scared to agree because you know you can’t get me off wimp, .. cock sucker”, Anne added. “I’m going to get you off you see”, I replied struggling even harder. My stiff cock twitching with excitement. I didn’t know if it was twitching because Anne had me pined beneath, in this sexy dominating hold or it was thinking about losing and being fucked by James. “So you agree then?”, Anne asked she fought to keep my shoulders down. “Yes and I’ll be free in moments”, I replied my excited cock twitching even more. I struggled furiously for several minutes but never succeeded in unseating Anne all I managed to do was exhaust myself. When James stood up recovered from his ejaculation I was still firmly pinned under his wife Anne. I was sweating and panting from the exertion, too weak to struggle anymore.

Do you really want me to fuck him Darling?”, James asked as he stood looking down at us. “Yes of course I do, I’ve wanted to see that just as long as I wanted to see a man suck another man off”, Anne replied. “I bet Alan’s never had anything up his arse before”, James stated “I’m sure his arse will be way too tight to take my cock”, he added. “Yes but so were you Darling but we cured that didn’t we”, Anne replied. “Yes”, James said his soft cock stiffening as he recalled being finger fucked and eventually fucked by a vibrator then a rubber dildo by his wife Anne. “You know where the stuff is go get it and start working on Alan’s arse to loosen it up enough to take your cock”, Anne added. Alan left the room leaving Anne and me alone. “OK Alan you’re nice and weak now but I want you even weaker”, Anne said pressing her naked hairy crotch tight into my face.

Mmmm, …nnnngh”, I mumbled unable to breathe through Anne crotch smother. “Oh this is so god having you like this Alan”, Anne said smiling down into my concerned face as the air in my lungs started to run out. “I love the idea of beating and dominating a man physically”, Anne added. My eyes widened pleading with Anne for mercy as my lungs started to burn. “I love doing this to a man if I get the chance”, she added. “Hi Darling just weakening Alan some more so he’s complaint when you fuck him”, Anne said to James who returned with lubricant and some variously sized vibrators and dildo’s. “Just like I’ve done to you Darling”, Anne added. “Tell me about it”, James replied kneeling in the mats and spreading my legs wide. James placed the backs of my legs on his thighs, raising my legs off the mats and exposing my arse. “That’s it Darling grease him and stretch him so he can take your cock up the arse”, Anne said. “While I keep him like this”, she added. “Yes of course Darling”, James replied coating his forefinger with lubricant and wiping it around the entrance to my arse.

I gasped and a shiver of excitement ran down my spine as I felt James’s finger probing the entrance of my arse coating it with lubricant. “Yes Alan its very exciting and you’ll love it once you get over the initial pain”, Anne said smiling into my face flushed face, she could feel the exited tremors rippling through my body as her husband’s forefinger caressed the opening of my arse as he applied lubrication to it. Anne had eased the pressure of her crotch smother allowing me to breathe a little, keeping me conscious but weak and complaint. My body stiffened when I felt James’s forefinger pressing against my arse forcing its way in. I grimaced, it hurt even with the lubrication, it felt like it was burning my arse as his forefinger slipped slowly deeper into my arse eased by the lubrication. James forced his finger in up to the knuckle then eased it back out again. I flinched and twisted from the burning painful sensation of James’s forefinger slowly stretching my anal muscles apart. He applied more lubricant to it and repeated this several times until it slid in and out with ease. I was still twisting and flinching but not from pain, from excitement, the maddeningly excited sensation of James’s forefinger fucking my tight virgin arse was irresistible. My cock had shriveled to a little stump due the burning pain of the initial penetration, was now hard and throbbing with excitement again

Satisfied James started to force his forefinger in deeper and the burning sensation returned with renewed fury. I twisted and flinched gasping in pain my sphincter resisting the invasion, my cock deflated rapidly as James slowly forced his forefinger all the way in. He eased it out again drawing even more painful sensations from my sphincter. James added more lubricant to his forefinger and forced it in and out again over and over slowly stretching my sphincter until the pain turned to pleasure and he had me twisting under Anne in excited delight, my cock rock hard once more. “See Alan I told you, you would like it”, Anne said grinning as I gaped open mouthed with excited arousal, moaning helplessly. “He loves it Darling just like you do”, Anne said to her husband.

Yes I can see that Darling”, James replied. “His cock is now harder and bigger than ever”, he added staring at my hard, throbbing cock, dark and bloated as more blood was being pumped into it by my spiralling arousal. “Ok I think he’s ready for the first vibrator now Darling”, Anne said. “Yes I believe you are right Darling”, James replied lubricating the small with plastic vibrator. “The vibrator up your arse is going to drive you wild Alan, ..wild”, Anne said smiling into my flushed face.

Fuck”, I gasped my body tensing again as James started to force the end of the smallest vibrator into my arse. It was thicker than his forefinger and it hurt as it started spreading and stretching my anal muscles wider. Again I was gripped by the hot burning sensation in my anal muscles as the vibrator slowly penetrated my arse. James pushed it about half way in, then drew it out before pushing it back in. James did this several times until my anal muscles were stretched and relaxed and the pain turned to pleasure. “Ohhh god, oh fucking hell”, I moaned breathlessly as James fucked my arse with the vibrator making me shiver in delight. “OK Darling he likes that give him it all now”, Anne said. “Yes Darling”, James replied and started to force the vibrator deeper into my arse. “Shit”, I gasped as the vibrator spread my sphincter wider than it had before, it fucking hurt until the head was through. I flinched, mouth agape as James slowly forced the vibrator all the way in. It invaded me, filled my arse, stretched it wider than ever before. “Yes Alan its only fitting you feel what its like to have a cock in you, to be filled and spread”, Anne said smiling down into my red sweat soaked face. “I’m only sorry its not me doing it to you, but I’ll have that pleasure later I’m sure”, she added with a wicked grin.

I caught my breath as James started to draw the vibrator out of my arse painfully stimulating my sphincter again. James coated it with more lubricant before slipping it slowly back into my arse. I sighed and gasped as it spread me again, stretching my sphincter but not as painfully this time. James fed it all they way in the slipped it out, several times until I was twisting and gasping with delight. “You like being fucked up the arse don’t you Alan?”, Anne asked as I twisted and writhed underneath her. “Like all men do after they get over the initial pain and shock”, she added. “Yes, .. Yes,.. Anne”, I gasped. “N,…never felt so excited”, I added breathlessly. “Darling he’s now ready for the next stage”, Anne said to James her husband. “Push it right in and switch it on”, she added. “Yes of course Darling”, James replied feeding the vibrator all the way in. My body stiffened in anticipation of what the vibrator running would feel like.

Ok Alan here it comes enjoy it I’m sure you will”, James said as he turned the cap on the vibrator switching it on. My eyes bulged and I gasped breathlessly as the vibrations stimulated my anal muscles driving me wild with excitement. The vibration made my anal muscle tingle with delight then throb with excitement. The tingling spread to my hard cock making me even harder, so hard it was painful. My anal muscles and nerves started to respond to the vibrations sending surges of excitement rippling through my body. My hips writhed and my anal muscles clenched and unclenched until I was virtually fucking my own arse with the vibrator. “You love it don’t you Alan you love your arse fucked don’t?”, Anne said smiling wickedly into my face. “Yes, …yes”, I croaked breathlessly shuddering helplessly. The vibrator had taken total control of my body and was driving me wild with excited arousal. “I bet you’re hard now Alan, harder than you’ve ever been before”, Anne said reaching back and clasping my cock.

Noooo”, I croaked weakly my cock was no so sensitive even the air circulating round it was driving me wild. When Anne grabbed and squeezed it hard my heart missed a beat and I screamed aloud in delight never so excited and aroused before. “Cum for me Alan, ..come now”, Anne said squeezing my cock harder. “Yes cum for us Alan cum for us now, cum because you have a vibrator tight up your arse”, James said clasping my scrotum. My balls were even more excited and sensitive than my cock if that was possible. When James took them in his hand it was the last straw and I screamed aloud and my cock exploded shooting several long spurts of spunk into the air. Anne continued to pump my cock and James continued to squeeze my balls softly making my ejaculation long and draining. They didn’t stop until they drained my balls dry. “Wow what a mother load of cum you shot”, Anne said as my cock started to go soften him her hand. However vibrator was still buzzing away in my arse ensuring my cock stayed quite hard.

OK Darling, I think its time for a larger dildo now and a cock ring for Alan to keep him nice a hard”, Anne said. Alan chose a larger solid black rubber dildo large the small vibrator but not as big or long as his erect cock, he showed it to Anne who nodded. “Perfect Darling, I’ll lubricate it while you get a cock ring. Alan departed and returned shortly with a metal cock ring. Meanwhile Anne had coated the back dildo with lubricant. My heart had stopped pounding and my breathing was less frantic my cock had softened a little more but not too much the buzzing vibrator made sure of that. “Swap you Darling”, Anne said offering the lubricated dildo. Alan took the dildo and handed her the metal cock ring. “OK Alan this will keep you nice and hard”, Anne said slipping the metal cock on my cock. She forced it all the way down the root of my almost fully erect cock.

It was snug, tight fit and I watched amazed as my cock started to stiffen, stimulated by the excited vibration of the buzzing vibrator up my arse. “Mmm, .. yes back to fully hard”, Anne said stroking my fully erect cock. “But I’m sure it will get even harder now Alan, harder than ever before”, she added tickling the under side of my cock head with her finger tip, mercilessly teasing the arrowhead. I gasped, moaning in excitement my cock now harder than iron maintained by the steely grip the cock ring.

OK Darling he’s ready for the bigger dildo now”, Anne said. James switched off the vibrator and drew it slowly out of my arse loving the way and moaned and sighed weakly. James smiled at his wife Anne and started to push the larger black dildo up my arse. “Fuck”, I croaked as the head of dildo spread my anal muscles wider than the vibrator. The burning pain returned but less intensely as my anal muscle were a little looser now, and used to be stretched by the vibrator. I still gasped and my body tensing as James slowly fed the black dildo all the way in. I grunted in pain as my sphincter was spread wider by the larger dildo. The Black rubber dildo was not only thicker but also longer than the vibrator. I’d barley got over the stretching of my sphincter when it stared to penetrate deeper spreading my un-stretched deeper anal muscle wide apart. James fed the dildo all the way in and left it there for a few seconds as I writhed my arse filled and penetrated deeper and wider than ever before. My cock slowly stiffened and grew as the dildo bore its way into my arse until it was larger and hard than it had ever been before. It dark red and shiny bloated with excited blood.

James started to ease the dildo all the way out making me moan and whimper weakly. He added more lubricant before feeding it all the way back in. James did this many times slowly getting faster until I was gasping and writhing in delight my cock throbbing and twitching with exited arousal. It had never been so hard or so sensitive. “My, you do like a cock up your arse Alan”, Anne said. “Your cock is now much more impressive, so hard and no doubt so sensitive”, she add teasing my flaring cock head with the tip of her finger. “Shit”, I moaned breathlessly my cock surging with excited arousal at her soft maddening caress. “Good darling, keep fucking him hard with that black rubber dildo, stretch and spread him wider, he has to take your cock”, Anne said as she continued to tease my cock head. James did just that, he really fucked my arse hard and fast with the black rubber dildo making me almost delirious with excited arousal. My cock throbbed wildly, more excited than I could ever remember it, but I didn’t cum. The steel cock ring kept my cock hard but it also delayed my ejaculation. I twisted and writhed helplessly eager to cum, wanting to cum, but it didn’t happen. It was maddening the arousal and excitement was sapping my strength, weakening me taking everything out of me and there was no release, no ejaculation!

Yes Alan, that cock ring controls you in more ways than one”, Anne said as I stared at her dumfounded unable to understand why I was desperate to cum, but couldn’t. “You want to cum, need to cum but you can’t?”, Anne said with a wicked smile. “Don’t worry you will cum Alan but not for a little while, after I have had fun riding your cock, now its nice an big”, Anne added. Anne eased back down my chest and raised her self above my cock that was now hard, huge and rigid, pointing straight up in the air, almost black with bloated blood. Anne lowered herself onto my cock, and sighed as my hard bloated cock filled her cunt making her squirm with excitement. “That cock ring makes you like my human dildo Alan”, Anne said breathlessly as she rode my cock faster and faster getting more and more excited. “Alan I’m going to ride your cock to multiple orgasms until I finally let you, … make you cum”, Anne added huskily.

By Friar Copyright 2010

extract from a longer story where a guy wrestlers another the prize for him to fuck his wife the penalty for losing to suck her husband ad be fucked by him. This extract started after the guy losers and has to suck the husbands cock and be fucked up the arse by the husband with ever larger dildos the story continues with the husband and wife both fucking the losers

cover of turned bi by burglars available from battle-annals